Ko Waitangi te Awa Trust organised an engaging wananga centered around Freshwater monitoring programs. Held at Ngāwha Marae this wananga was designed specifically for secondary schools, this event aimed to educate students on how to test and assess the health of rivers. Participants had the unique opportunity to delve into the world of Waiti and our relationship with river ecosystems. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, students gained valuable insights into the importance of maintaining pristine river environments. This wananga empowered our future generation with the knowledge and tools to become stewards of our waterways. Ngā mihi to Whitebait Connections Nik and Tracey, Northland College and Tauira and the team at Te Kotahitangi o Mahi Kaha Trust Nursery.


Kura Planting Days


SHMAK Fresh Water Monitoring with the Team